Ivor Wynne Stadium needs Major Repair Acroding to Scott Mitchell
Who told today's mayor's luncheon the 77-year old Ivor Wynne Stadium must undergo 40 to 50-million dollars in renovations in the next two or three years.If
If there isn't a commitment to those renovations, the Ticats would be forced to look at constructing a new stadium. I say Fix it.
Here are some way to come up with the Money for Repairs.
Name rights Should get around 20,000-30,000 Canadian.
Add a Personal Seat License to Each Seat 250.00 per season. X30,000 =$75,000Where over a Millon Dollars just with that alone.
The seat Licences would go to Repair and Stadium upkeep.
Below is Info how these work:A personal seat license gives the holder the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium. This holder can sell the seat license to someone else if he no longer wishes to purchase season tickets. However, if the seat license holder chooses not to sell the seat licenses and does not renew the season tickets, the holder forfeits the license back to the team. Most seat licenses are valid for as long as the team plays in the current venue.
Seat licenses have been given various names- the most common term in North America is Personal Seat License and in Europe is Debenture. The primary reason sporting venues offer PSLs is that the proceeds are used to help pay the debt incurred during the construction of the stadium or arena. Also, many supporters feel that such licenses essentially give fans ownership of the seat. Opponents of PSLs see this as another way to extract money from the sports fans.
My Point is there are Way to raise the money to Repair the old Girl.
I Can see IWS Updated to look like it when it was Built in the 1930's
But with new Bathrooms and State of Art Items.
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